วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Nails Diseases part 2

Tinea Unguis, or ringworm of the nails, is characterized by nail thickening, deformity, and eventually results in nail plate loss.

Onychatrophia is an atrophy or wasting away of the nail plate which causes it to lose its luster, become smaller and sometimes shed entirely.  Injury or disease may account for this irregularity.

Onychogryposis are claw-type nails that are characterized by a thickened nail plate and are often the result of trauma.  This type of nail plate will curve inward, pinching the nail bed and sometimes require surgical intervention to relieve the pain.

Onychorrhexis are brittle nails which often split vertically, peel and/or have vertical ridges.  This irregularity can be the result of heredity, the use of strong solvents in the workplace or the home, including household cleaning solutions.  Although oil or paraffin treatments will re-hydrate the nail plate, one may wish to confer with a physician to rule out disease.

Onychauxis is evidenced by over-thickening of the nail plate and may be the result of internal disorders -- seek medical advice.

Leuconychia is evident as white lines or spots in the nail plate and may be caused by tiny bubbles of air that are trapped in the nail plate layers due to trauma.  This condition may be hereditary and no treatment is required as the spots will grow out with the nail plate.

Beau's Lines are nails that are characterized by horizontal lines of darkened cells and linear depressions.  This disorder may be caused by trauma, illness, malnutrition or any major metabolic condition, chemotherapy or other damaging event, and is the result of any interruption in the protein formation of the nail plate. Seek a physicians diagnosis.

Reference: http://www.healthy-fingernails.com

